You should rarely read secular manosphere blogs if at all

I was sorting through my e-mail the other day, and I stumbled across the mail of almost decade old blog posts from Christian and secular manosphere writers.

That brought back another memory which I wrote that You should rarely read women’s blogs if at all.

For men, obviously. This is similar to the line of banning female commenters.

  1. As a man you should rarely read womens’ blogs, if at all.
  2. If you do read any, you should almost never comment.

What I see tend to see is that men who need to grow in masculinity read womens’ blogs is that they get very complacent with their own growth. In addition, what usually ends up happening is that any discourse usually devolves into the blame game or patting on the back which wastes valuable time that could be spent elsewhere.

On the other hand, some men get set off track and end up holding said women as ‘paragons of virtue’ when they are simply women who have the nature of women and make mistakes too. Married men often become discontented in their own marriage at this, and it sets up unrealistic expectations for single men looking to be married.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Both Hebrew words used for man and friend refer to males. The analogy is thus like sharpens like. Iron sharpens iron. Men sharpen men.

If you want to grow as a man, you need to learn from men. Womens’ blogs can give insight into how they react to different things and their concerns, but that does not give an accurate solution. Men need to learn from men about how to lead women. That’s why a quality of leadership in the Church is men who rule their households well.

Prior to discerning that which seems to be 2016 given that post, I came to the same conclusion on secular manosphere blogs which is why I stopped reading them sometime circa 2015. I realized that I had never made that into a post, so better late than never.

Having worked with various men in person, this blog, and the RP Christians reddit and discord, it’s very easy for men to get sucked into secular philosophies and trying to blend them with Christianity or interpret Christianity through the lens of The Red Pill instead of everything through the lens of Scripture. I am also guilty of some that on some of the early posts on this blog.

The other issue commonly seen is that once men have the blinders taken off, it’s easy to get sucked into either bitterness, despair, or other negative emotions instead of Christ and His purpose for our lives.

This is also why I’ve been anti-game from the beginning as the many of the game specific tactics only have potential success on the population that they were developed on which is lowering the inhibitions of already promiscuous women. Attempting similar tactics on serious Christian women would in all likelihood get her to reject you from dates just like trying to go dutch would. That being said, some behavior is universal to women in which certain frameworks provide useful ideas to understand the sin nature or rebelliousness of women whether secular or Christian.

The probable better approach from a Christian point of view is an anti-chivalry stance which helps to bust down many of the underlying feminist and even Red Pill assumptions that many men can take on from family, friends, society, and even the secular manosphere. One such example is the re-interpretation of the Ephesians passage by modern churchians versus what it actually means.

However, it is also true that there are limited amounts of actual good Christian dating and relationship advice out there given how much of the Church has fallen to churchianity such as the godliness is sexy mantra. I think it is sufficiently clear, however, that the Bible provides good indicators for what men and women tend to find sexually attractive.

It also stands to reason then to understand the Biblical framework for everything and have solid Christian men around you to help sharpen the understanding on how to deal with relationships and marriage. This is an obvious point perhaps, but it is still easy to be led astray by the world.

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