About and Contact

I am a Christian man on his mission to mentor and disciple Christian men, husbands and fathers, which includes a search for a godly wife. I am married now, and my search for a godly wife has succeeded.

This blog is written for men. The focus is to accurately pursue the Truth of how God created man and woman in conjunction with obedience to the Scriptures. Discussions may include topics on or from the “Christian manosphere” and “the red pill” as the Church tends to avoid hard topics about attraction.

I’ve written a book based on many of the experiences on this blog to help Christian men: The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint: A Christian Man’s Guide to Attraction, Relationships, and Marriage in a Messed-up World


The ultimate theme of this blog is the overall development of godly masculinity as it pertains to developing a lifestyle that accurately reflects God. Thus, these are the three facets this blog will focus on:

  1. Understanding the Scriptures as it pertains to godly masculinity mindset and a godly lifestyle. This study will look at elimination of feminine behaviors and mindsets accrued from society, feminism and chivalry, and building godly masculinity in terms of a man on his mission and all that encompasses. This category will also explore the Greek and Hebrew words in Scriptures as they relate to our understanding of God and His will for our lives.
  2. Learning godly masculine behavior by putting it into practice in terms of eliminating feminine behaviors and mindsets from society, feminism and chivalry, and building godly masculinity in terms of a man on his mission and all that encompasses.
  3. Learning the subtleties of godly masculine behavior as it pertains to women with the intent of spurring them towards Christ. The fact that it is attractive to women is just a nice side effect.

For my full mission statement see Clarity of Purpose and Scripture and sex roles.


If your comment does not appear for whatever reason, it is usually because it has been caught in the spam filter. I will release these when I have the time.

  • If any comment provides no content toward discussion and shames men, Christians, and the like then it will be removed permanently.
  • Commenters that assume evil of posters and/or commenters will be warned once. Continued infractions will result in a ban.
  • Inflammatory, rude, and otherwise un-Christian behavior will be banned.

This is a Christian blog, so these things should be obvious.


You may contact me at deeperstrength on my gmail account. Don’t forget to add the -er to deeper. If you have a topic which you would like to see me address then leave a comment here or e-mail me. You can use the form below too.

13 Responses to About and Contact

  1. Nice blog Deep Strength, bravo! 🙂

  2. Michael Schleyer says:

    I really love this blog Deep Strength! I too am on a journey to discover true masculinity as is related to Christian teachings.

    Good luck on your journey Sir! God bless.

  3. @ Michael

    Thanks, you too.

  4. Gonna try to email also…. Yet in light of christian promiscuity of females in the church, I ran across an EYE OPENING verse about what God himself has to say about sluts vs. prostitutes…. Am doing my own word study – yet it appears to say the sluts who give it away for free are worse than prostitutes (not that prostitution is all that great either).

    I understand this chapter is talking about Israel (like Hosea) – yet the comparisons are remarkable as he is using one person as the example.

    Ezekiel 16 – pretty much the chapter, yet the several verses are amazing (from the Jewish Publication Society bible) – they speak it out here:

    Vs: 17 – used dildos out of gold and silver
    Vs. 20-21 – child sacrifice (modern day abortion)
    Vs. 25 – “spread your legs” speaks of disgust
    Vs. 26 – played the harlot to anger God – in other words to heck with God (or my future husband) I’m gonna do what I wanna do cause I wanna do it
    Vs. 33-34 – you are worse than a prostitute! at least they get pay – you give it out for free

    Ezekiel 16:15 But confident in your beauty and fame, you played the harlot: you lavished your favors on every passerby; they were his.
    Ezek. 16:16 You even took some of your cloths and made yourself tapestried platforms and fornicated on them — not in the future; not in time to come.
    Ezek. 16:17 You took your beautiful things, made of the gold and silver that I had given you, and you made yourself phallic images and fornicated with them.
    Ezek. 16:18 You took your embroidered cloths to cover them; and you set My oil and My incense before them.
    Ezek. 16:19 The food that I had given you — the choice flour, the oil, and the honey, which I had provided for you to eat — you set it before them for a pleasing odor. And so it went — declares the Lord GOD.
    Ezek. 16:20 You even took the sons and daughters that you bore to Me and sacrificed them to those [images] as food — as if your harlotries were not enough,
    Ezek. 16:21 you slaughtered My children and presented them as offerings to them!
    Ezek. 16:22 In all your abominations and harlotries, you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, and lay wallowing in your blood.
    Ezek. 16:23 After all your wickedness (woe, woe to you!) — declares the Lord GOD —
    Ezek. 16:24 you built yourself an eminence and made yourself a mound in every square.
    Ezek. 16:25 You built your mound at every crossroad; and you sullied your beauty and spread your legs to every passerby, and you multiplied your harlotries.
    Ezek. 16:26 You played the whore with your neighbors, the lustful Egyptians — you multiplied your harlotries to anger Me.
    Ezek. 16:27 Now, I will stretch out My arm against you and withhold your maintenance; and I will surrender you to the will of your enemies, the Philistine women, who are shocked by your lewd behavior.
    Ezek. 16:28 In your insatiable lust you also played the whore with the Assyrians; you played the whore with them, but were still unsated.
    Ezek. 16:29 You multiplied your harlotries with Chaldea, that land of traders; yet even with this you were not satisfied.
    Ezek. 16:30 How sick was your heart — declares the Lord GOD — when you did all those things, the acts of a self-willed whore,
    Ezek. 16:31 building your eminence at every crossroad and setting your mound in every square! Yet you were not like a prostitute, for you spurned fees;
    Ezek. 16:32 [you were like] the adulterous wife who welcomes strangers instead of her husband.
    Ezek. 16:33 Gifts are made to all prostitutes, but you made gifts to all your lovers, and bribed them to come to you from every quarter for your harlotries.
    Ezek. 16:34 You were the opposite of other women: you solicited instead of being solicited; you paid fees instead of being paid fees. Thus you were just the opposite!


    I like your breakdown of stuff biblically – I believe Jesus is my savior, yet do not call myself a ‘christian’ I prefer “believer”….. Anyway – would love to see your thoughts on this.


  5. I like your mission statement. 😉

    Likewise, reactionary–characterizing ourselves by what we are not more than what we are–is not the answer.

    I too am on a similar mission, defining masculinity–what it is and what it isn’t. Unfortunately the “manosphere” is simply the only place that even touches on certain matters, is pro-men, and pulls no punches for men’s protection–I follow men’s rights more than manosphere blogs, really.

    The “red pill” should really be something that spurs us on toward dependency on Christ. Ultimately what we need to seek is something that is timeless, not reactionary! However, protecting ourselves from the world is part of what our walk with Christ is about in any case!

  6. Out of Nod says:

    It’s nice to see the red pill and the manosphere broken down in such manner. That said, would you be willing to post a link to your first article as I would like to see your thoughts as they progressed. (Already looked back to May 2014 and my phone couldn’t handle it).

    Thank you and keep up the good work.

  7. @ Out of Nod

    This is the first one:

    Practical ways to improve your attractiveness and desirability for a Christian spouse

    Although my views have evolved somewhat over time, it’s a nice reminder to look back and see the growth.

    I should be posting some more in the future when I find the time!

  8. Psalm1Wife says:


    I have been packing my mom’s things for her move and I found a box of letters from my cousin who wrote from prison around age 20 in 2008. Later, he killed himself after being sent to prison a second time. Anyway, my mom (basic Churchian lady) wrote him about God and being saved and he would write her back saying things like:

    “You said to keep looking to God. And I am. But I’m not sure what it is, at times I am overwhelmed with a righteous feeling and love. And I feel closer than ever to God but then I’ll go through days on end where I’ll just feel numb and empty. Honestly, I’m not sure why it is. But I do know how I should be feeling and how I want to feel. But {my mom’s name}, I’m trying. I believe that some of the things I was into has a huge effect on my emotions so that could be it. I’ll keep trying though.”

    So, if you wanted post suggestions, I wondered if you and your commenters would be interested in reading through these letters and giving a synopsis on what sort of familial encouragement could have possibly helped him or what could help others in his situation. Take care

  9. @ Psalm1Wife

    Sure, send them to my e-mail in the about section. Don’t forget that the e-mail is deeperstrength not deepstrength.

  10. Austin says:

    Hi Deep Strength,

    First things first.. Your blog is awesome! Keep up the excellent work my man. Assuming you receive a lot of hate, criticism, and trolling from people, I know it can’t be easy, and I respect you all the more. Plus, I can’t even imagine what all the people around you think like in a personal way. I’d love to have a blog like yours one day except with much different twist to your approach. Maybe I am overthinking it all, but thats how I am. I love to study this stuff. Maybe I should approach it a different way? I had some questions I’d love to ask you about and here they are:

    1. Any reason you set your site up the way you did? You just like it that way or what? Like the organization? format? Timeline to your post?

    2. I have no idea how old you are, but are you glad you started it at the age you are now? I’m 22, so I am pretty young, but I feel competent enough to share some new material. When did you feel ready to start the blog?

    3. How much traffic does your blog receive?

    4. What is your opinion on making a blog on this area successful?

    5. Any suggestions on advertising? Promoting? Website vs WordPress? Social media? Using friend websites/blogs for help?

    6. Should I have a few/several blogs written before I get it up or should I just get in the habit of writing blogs regularly from the get go?

    7. What is your age and are you married?

  11. Just Some Guy says:


    I haven’t been able to find a Facebook page for your blog. If you don’t have one, may I suggest creating one. Other Christian bloggers do as well and it helps spread their message further and more quickly. Just a small recommendation. Thank you for your work. I’ve enjoyed your posts and begun perusing your older articles. God Bless.

  12. @ Just Some Guy

    I do not have one unfortunately.

    I’m not going to make a facebook account just for that, and I’m not going to tie to to my ‘real’ profile for now at least.

  13. Joseph says:

    Amazing blog

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