Higher partner count for women leads to more cheating too

It’s a duh moment, but at least we have some data on it now. For the statistics in regard to sexual partners and divorce see Review of vetting, virgins and new info on virginity pledges

There’s a review of GSS Norc’s General Social Survey here.



Odds ratio is fairly clear cut in this case. A virgin woman (1 partner is the husband) vs one with 2-4 partners is 6x more likely to cheat. 5-10 partners compared to 1 is 9.5x more likely to cheat. Then 14x and 16x more likely cheat with 11-20 and > 20 partners respectively.

The clear caveats with surveys being that women tend to lie more about their sexual pasts, so in all likelihood the numbers could actually be worse than this.

In comparison, here are the divorce statistics from a chart from my previous post.

15% chance of divorce with zero pre-marital sexual partners which drastically increases much like going from 1 to 2-4 partners then slowly starts to level off. I suspect if you plot these both in terms of odds ratios they will return similar curves.

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2 Responses to Higher partner count for women leads to more cheating too

  1. No surprise. If people mock God’s plan for sex before marriage, why would you expect them to adhere to it afterward?

  2. Sharkly says:

    The sad part is that churches pressure men to marry immoral women. I had once said that I was only looking for a virgin, and they loosed the dogs of war on me. Declaring how I was “unforgiving” and likely going to hell for not giving equal consideration to “redeemed” whores. They claimed the more spiritual men would be those willing to forgive the most. So, I married a “repentant” whore, and have regretted it every single day, starting on the day of my wedding, when she basically quit pretending to be repentant, and immediately quit trying to be attractive to me, and instead began her wicked ‘distancing behaviors’.

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