Changes reveal weaknesses

One of the big things I’ve been seeing over this lockdown is that a lot of relationships and marriages have gotten better and a lot of have gotten worse.

If the marriages were not built on a good foundation and just superficial things where you could put off issues like going to work or do other things, then they have gotten worse. They’re spending a much greater amount of time with each other, and it’s revealing weaknesses that have been put off. They’re more like roommates than married.

On the other hand, the marriages that have gotten stronger are ones where a husband and wife have built their marriages on God and family. Thus, spending much more time with each other has strengthened those bonds with each other and the kids if any.

The same thing has occurred with other romantic relationships but to a lesser extent. The challenge of the “social distancing” have either helped or hurt because people have more time now and either spend it on relationships or just staying busy.

From what I’ve seen, this scenario has only really helped my own marriage and relationships. If it hasn’t, perhaps these are some things to consider and think about in your own relationships and marriages. How are we spending the time? How are our relationships and marriages growing?

The same can be true of our own time with God. It gives us a window to either walk toward growth or let things deteriorate.

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5 Responses to Changes reveal weaknesses

  1. fuzziewuzziebear says:

    Another thing that I have heard is that men are initiating divorces. I have heard it from only one source, so it isn’t confirmed. The lockdown has stressed marital relationships and it is going to wreck more than a few. If it is true, it is a watershed moment. It means that men accept that marriage is a convenience for women and that splitting up when the chips are down is better. Any way, it will be a while before statistics can bear this out.

  2. Eduardo the Magnificent says:

    I’ve said from the beginning that both sides of the curve would thicken. Of course, the media was only concerned with rising DV. You won’t hear a peep about stronger marriages, though. I’ve heard of more couples going for walks in parks and enjoying nature as well as each other’s company. People have begun to realize that modernity is quite empty.

  3. @ Eduardo the Magnificent

    Yup, I think it’s ultimately a good thing, just like it’s ultimately a good thing that Christianity is declining in the west.

    It puts those that are just coasting or lukewarm to the test. Do you really follow Jesus or were you just there for ulterior motives? Are you really committed to your marriage and making it work or were you just there?

  4. Pingback: Podcast #141 – The zero fucks given episode. – Adam Piggott

  5. feeriker says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and assert that a sizable percentage of, if not an outright majority of the couples whose relationships are “on the rocks” are the same people living in a state of paralyzing panic over COVID-19. While I have no proof of any connection here (at least none that I’ve uncovered or am aware of), it would stand to reason that people who panic and resort to letting fear dominate their lives at the first sign of adversity, or, worse yet, as if on cue when authority figures sound the panic tocsin regardless of whether they themselves perceive immediate danger, are probably not people well suited to coping with life in general when having to be self-reliant and exhibit some inner fortitude.

    It would be interesting to see the results of a study done on this after current events pass.

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